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Foundation Grants $36,000 for New Technology

New Chromebooks at HMS
Students unpack the new Chromebooks at Homewood Middle School.

Thanks to our generous donors, the Homewood City Schools Foundation has provided Homewood Middle School with more than $36,000 for new technology, specifically 120 Chromebooks. These devices will be used to access the new social studies ‘tech’ book that the school system introduced this fall. The Chromebooks can also be used for other applications and will be available to all students at the school.

“We are thankful for the Foundation’s generous grant of new Chromebooks,” said Jimmie Pearson, Homewood Middle School principal. “These devices will help ensure that all of our students have access to technology. We are fortunate to have such a supportive Foundation and community,”

The Chromebooks will help update the equipment on many of the technology carts that the school uses. When the middle school opened in 2006, it was equipped with the latest technology.

“Homewood Middle School had both the blessing and the curse of receiving a completely new technology package when the school was built – new lap top carts for students and new lap tops for teachers,” said Dr. Patrick Chappell, Director of Instruction for Homewood City Schools. “That has made a replacement schedule challenging, as the devices are tending to wear out at the same time. They are now a little behind the other schools in having newer devices which work to their fullest capacities.”

Now, students can use these new devices to access the books and applications that are so common in classrooms now.

“We are so fortunate to be able to support the middle school in this effort,” says Julie Keith, President of the Foundation board. “The Foundation has worked hard to be able to expand our funding of grants and other initiatives, and we are excited to see how the teachers and students will be able to use the new Chromebooks in the classroom. The success of projects like this only motivates us to increase our efforts further.”