Fall 2018 Grants
“The Foundation has been instrumental in supporting the seventh grade language arts initiative for high-quality writing instruction. Its funding for the ongoing education of teachers and students has us safely on the college-and-career-ready path.”
Lisa Gaines Language Arts Teacher, 7th Grade, HMS
Congratulations to our 2018 Fall Grant Recipients!
Edgewood Elementary

Assessment Driven Reading Instruction: Ensuring All Students Are on the Path to Success
This grant will provide assessments to help teachers determine independent and instructional reading levels and help teachers track reading growth. 15 Fountas & Pinnell BAS Kits will be provided to serve as a consistent benchmark assessment system for the entire school.
Set the Stage to Engage!
This grant will allow two Edgewood teachers and one administrator to attend Educator Training at the Ron Clark Academy. The Ron Clark Academy is know for hiring dynamic educators that deliver content in a way that engages the student regardless of the curriculum.
Hall-Kent Elementary

Multi-sensory Teaching Strategies Grant
This grant will allow a new Title 1 teacher to participate in an Orton-Gillingham training. This training instructs teachers using research-based approaches to teaching reading. The course includes strategies to use auditory, visual and kinesthetic interaction with language that help with learning and retention.
Get Your Teach On!
The Get Your Teach On Conference provides teachers with research-based strategies that challenge students to high academic rigor and engagement, leading to a successful classroom focused on best practices. This grant will allow two teachers to attend the conference.
Shades Cahaba Elementary

Deepening Comprehension Through Engaging Conversations
This grant seeks to enhance students’ abilities to engage in meaningful conversations. Ten teachers will meet and discuss Comprehension Through Conversation, by Maria Nichols and will then work collaboratively to plan classroom activities which implement strategies based on learning from the book study. The grant also provides literature sets for small group instruction in each classroom.
All Elementary

Extending VR: From Consumers to Creators with Google Expedition and Tour Creator
This grant will provide Google Expeditions Kits which allow students to experience virtual reality. Students will be able to use Google Expeditions to visit historical places, see examples of physical and chemical changes, and experience the daily careers of various professions. Google Tour will allow students to create their own Google Expedition tours. The kits include a 3600 camera which students can use to create their own virtual tours.
Homewood Middle School

Classroom Set of Graphing Calculators for New Algebra I Class at HMS
This grant will provide a class set of TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculators for a new classroom at Homewood Middle School. This will allow every Algebra I student at HMS will have access to graphing calculators.
Effective Grading and Assessment Practices
This grant will provide registration and a stipend for ten middle school teachers to attend the Alabama Conference on Grading and Assessment for Learning. The goal of this conference is to assist teachers in developing more consistent, effective grading practices, so that grades effectively communicate the degree to which a student has mastered the learning targets.
TSA Foundation Proposal
The Technology Student Association is an after school program that helps students learn skills in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) through engaging in data driven projects. This grant will provide the TSA with a computer, software and a portion of their chapter fee.
Homewood High School

Warren Art HHS
This grant will provide DSLR cameras, memory cards, tripods and lighting so that the art department can fully integrate the teaching and learning of digital photography. This will allow all art students to have access to the same equipment. These cameras will be used with the school’s existing Adobe Photoshop software.
LIFE PE/Fitness/Weight Training
This grant will provide new dumbells, balance trainers and jump ropes for LIFE PE and other fitness based elective courses. These classes are geared toward non-athletes and seek to prepare students to engage in fitness related activities after high school.
Fusion – HHS Drum Circle
This grant will provide drums and equipment to start a drum circle at Homewood High School. Homewood Middle School has a very successful drum circle that allows special education students to participate in music education and performance. The first group of students that participated in the HMS drum circle are students at HHS this year. This grant will allow these students to continue the drum circle concept at Homewood High School.
Multiple Schools

Reaching At Risk Students
There are many students who attend Homewood that have limited resources and benefit from a variety of forms of support. This grant will allow two teachers to attend the National Youth At Risk Conference to learn about new strategies to help students with diverse needs.